Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Interface and Story

In this post, we’re going to introduce you the interface and story of our game.

Physical Input -> Game World : A touch in a button that will rotate the shield clockwisely
Physical Input -> Virtual Interface : Menu button that can be press with a button
Game World -> Virtual Interface : Score that is shown
Game World -> Physical Output : The player can see a rotating shield
Virtual Interface -> Game World : Choosing the menu that you want to enter (Start Game, High Score)
Virtual Interface -> Physical Output : All of the GUI is shown in the screen

Second Order Motion :
If we touch (press) the screen and hold it like that (not released), the shield will rotate faster

417.jpgStory :

We have no story in this game. We are not creative. So dont expect us to make an interesting story hehe. You just need to play and care about your score.

Nah, we're kidding :P We don't intend to make a story, as we want players to focus on the gameplay and have fun with that :DDD

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Puzzle and Level Design

Is it Tuesday already? Then it is time for a new post!! Today we are going to talk about puzzle and level design in ColorBeam PewPew. Not much to be discussed, but her we go :D

Puzzle Design
Our game doesn’t have any particular puzzle as it is a simple linear game. We might give players a little easter egg about the creators, but...we’ll see :))

Level Design
Colorbeam Pewpew has a linear level design as player can only rotate a ball with a clear starting and point.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

ColorBeam PewPew Game Flow

This week we are going to talk about game flow in Colorbeam PewPew game!! Prepare yourself to uncover the game's challenge and grind down your skill to play this game :))))


we make Colorbeam PewPew as simple as possible. It will only use a small amount of your brain capacity to do that, so don’t worry about it :D. You can play this game just with the power of 1 button, completed with a simple UI and visualization that allows you to play it anytime, even in a busy time or a relax time.

In this game, the player will initially experience easy gameplay with only small amount of colorbeam appear. Yeay for tutorial cliche!  
As the time goes by, the amount of colorbeam appearing will increase and it will make the game harder. But if the amount of colorbeam is somehow too many and reach the limit that we have decided, it will stop increasing. The goal of this algorithm is to ensure that the player will not find this game too easy or too hard. If it is too easy, you'll get a bored in no time, but if it is to hard, you'll get frustrated. Well, someone has to put it down on graphic for this.
As you can see, we are trying to get you convenient within the flow space :D

In this game, your imagination is unlimited!! we let all players to imagine everything inside this game as they like. You can think a laser eaters as an alien with 4 different faces that eats starships, a defensive bunker that deflect earth invasion, or just a simple circle that you can play with.
But, one thing for sure, we want player to have the ability to imagine each laser's movement, or we can say predict its movement. Player need to have this ability to adjust laser eater's position to eat those lasers. 


As a developer, of course we want to motivate our player to keep playing this game ^ ^. We want our player to have the will to prove that they have the capability to achieve the highest score among their friends to earn some respect from them. To do this, we always keep the highest score for each device so that you can see it everyday \(‘  ‘\) \ ( ‘ ‘ )/  (/ ‘ ‘ )/.

In this game, we value the players’ skill by giving them score feature. Don’t worry, we always appreciate our player :))) .This score feature will display how many colorbeam they manage to capture correctly. The player will die if they eat the colorbeam incorrectly. The score that we give is intended to make the player realize that they can do better and better every time they play. In other words, we motivate our player by evaluation to make them get better for each gameplay.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Game Balance

Challenge and Success
Player can choose the difficulty of the game between easy, normal, hard, or insane. The higher the difficulty, the more laser colour, shield colour, and laser eater were added. So the player can choose the difficulty that match his skill.

Skill vs probability
In this game, player needs to use his/her skill to adapt with laser’s incoming barrage, so that they can deflect it and capture it with laser eater which the colour correspond to the laser’s colour.

Brain vs Muscle
This game involves our brain where player has to adjust laser’s angle and timing so that he can capture it with the corresponding laser eater’s color.

Competition vs Teamworks
Colorbeam PewPew is a single-player game where player can compete each other to get the highest score. A single-player game means that this game doesn’t involve other person to play and there is no teamwork needed.
Short Duration vs Long Duration
The duration of the game depends on the ability of each player. If player can capture laser beams according to the laser eater’s color, the game will continue until the player capture a laser beam with the wrong laser eater.

The reward which player will get in this game is the score. The longer the player plays a round of this game, the more score he will get.
The reward in this game is given to the player in the form of score. Player gets a score for each successfully captured laser beam.

The punishment of this game is indeed “Game Over”. Game over is the condition when the player wrongly let the laser eater to eat the wrong laser color?????
This game only has a heavy punishment, where the game is over immediately when the player capture a laser beam with the wrong laser eater’s color.

Freedom vs Limited
In this game, players ability to control is limited. Player can only rotate the laser eater and its shield clockwise, but they have a freedom to rotate it as much as they want.

Simple vs Complex
Colorbeam PewPew is a simple game which only has one main rule. The main rule is to “capture incoming laser with the right laser eater” to continue the game or Game over when they do the opposite.

Detail vs Imagination
In this game, we want players to focus on 1 task which is to eat the right laser beam with a right laser eater. This game doesn’t have much detail to be displayed, but we give a clear objects for laser beams and the laser eater. We expect players to imagine and figure out how to play this game themselves.